109 Days 21 Hours 12 Minutes 22 Seconds
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About Independent Runner Events

ABN 35 243 193 842

IRE has been created by Kaz a runner who loves to run the marathon distance of 42.195k - a group of friendly runners and supporters who run in unique locations around Australia. Our unique approach is to be able to have boutique events in your town or area on request to us.

With over 20 years experience running marathons myself I understand the needs of runners and what events they are looking for. These events will be held for beginners to the experienced runner and anyone in between. All are welcome!

I wanted to bring marathon running to Gloucester (my former home town) to show off this beautiful region. Having moved to Townsville our events will now showcase the beautiful coastline and mountain backdrops of tropical North Queensland. Our looped courses are perfect for all events from single day to multi day races ... all will be catered for.

IRE has created Australian-first events through the Oz Bucketts Challenge (10 marathons in 10 days, Gloucester NSW) and Townsville's Magnetic 30in30 (30 marathons in 30 days, Townsville QLD).

I am a passionate person when it comes to running, fitness and health - mostly I want people to come along have fun and stay safe in a positive way through my events.

These events are fully self supporting with limited aid and a Volli on site - fully insured and accepted through the 100 Marathon Club.

Kaz ♥

Independent Runner Events is proud to present our signature multiday event: Townsville's Magnetic 30in30